
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Beauty of Books

Reading. We all do it, and it’s a part of our everyday lives-in fact you’re doing it right now, reading this article. We begin to read at an early stage of life, say 5 or 6 years old and it is said that the average person voluntarily reads approximately 486 books over their lifetime. This article discusses the early experiences of reading as a child and how books from my past have shaped me to be the person I am today. My earliest memories of reading are of 9-year-old me sitting in my primary school classroom, completely immersed in the newest book about ‘The Cat In The Hat’. This is where the seed of my love for reading was planted, and since then it has grown into a magnificent tree with all sorts of characters and plot twists branching off my favourite books. I remember my primary school having a weekly ‘silent reading time’ which definitely had a huge impact on my level of reading today. At the tender age of 9 I was exposed to a crowd of diverse, unique, and relat